Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What do We Have to Complain About?

I don't know about you, but I struggle with complaining. And when I sit and think about it... what do I really have to complain about?

I don't watch the news, as much as I probably should, but last night I was reading some of the news flash blurbs on yahoo. There is seriously, so many horrible things going on in this world. Not only in foreign countries, but in our own country, in our own states, in our own town. My heart broke slightly when I began to think about all the hurt and pain, and hopelessness of the people enduring these things.

Here I am, in bed, in my room, blogging about this, and have nothing to fear. I have the freedom to write whatever I want, and believer whatever I want. And yet, I complain about things. All the time. Like: "Ugh I have to go to band. Ugh I wish my sisters would just leave me alone." Ugh this, ugh that. Last night I got to thinking about how, some people would die for my life, and the freedom I have and the wonderful family I have. I am so BLESSED. Sure sometimes my life doesn't go the way I would like it to, but there is always someone who has it entirely worse.

I also began to ponder the fact that some girls my age around the world, do not have the freedom to choose who they hang out with, who they talk to, who they love, who they marry, etc. How awful would that be, not to have a choice? I am so thankful for the freedom of choice, although sometimes; most times; I take that for granted. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Christ's will for you." 

This is something we all need work on. To give thanks always. No matter if we are happy with our life's circumstances or if we're sad. Because someone out there, is wanting the life you have. It's time for us to do something, instead of sitting around and complaining. Live, love, and share Christ with the world.

Do you struggling with complaining on a daily basis? Do you feel convicted about it, as I do? Remember how very fortunate we are to be able to freely worship the Lord our God, whenever and wherever we please. We are able to love who we want, dream as big as we want, and live the way we choose to live. We are so fortunate to have that ability.

Let Us Pray.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this day and all you have given us. Thank you for the freedom we have, to love you Lord. Help us to appreciate all the things we have, and not always to be wishing and wanting for something more. Because you are truly, more than enough for us. That's the way it should be, but fall short daily. Help us to remember to give thanks to you in all circumstances. I pray for all those who are suffering from things I cannot not even fathom. I pray that someway, somehow, they could come to know you God. That you would show them your love, so that they might have hope for tomorrow. We love you.
In Jesus's Name We Pray,

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