Friday, July 17, 2015

Knowing God's Ever-Presence

So. I'm back!
Needless to say, I haven't written in quite awhile. With that being said, there is no particular reason why. God has really been on my heart lately about writing, and I had just been pushing the thought aside until a couple days ago. A friend of mine told me that she was going to start an encouraging blog, and I knew God was tugging at my heart once again. However, here I was, a week later still not following his commands. What really caught my attention was my "timehop" app. A year ago yesterday, was the very day I started my blog. Yet again, God was speaking to me, finally I said "Alright, God. I understand."
 It is absolutely mind boggling how much my life has changed in a year. 

For a graduation gift, I received the daily devotional "Jesus Calling." If you don't have it I strongly suggest picking up a copy. The devotionals that I have come across recently, strongly emphasize the importance of spending time in His Presence. Now, what exactly does that mean?

 Jeremiah 23:23-24 says, " Am I only a God nearby," declares the Lord, "and not a God far away?" "Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?"  declares the Lord. "Do not I fill heaven and earth?" declares the Lord."

Our God is a God of ever presence. Never will he leave us, nor will he forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6) He is ALWAYS there. His continual Presence, is a promise, guaranteeing that we never have to face anything alone. How I relish this thought! Somehow, I still fall into feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction as if His loving omnipresence is not enough. God wants us to hold his hand and fully trust Him, and be conscious of His presence. I am designed, You are designed, We are designed to enjoy God above all other things. The fact of the matter is: the deepest fulfillment of our hearts can only be found in Jesus. That void we try to fill with the world, will never leave us feeling truly satisfied. Satisfaction can only truly be found in Christ. When we begin to turn away from God, we are vulnerable to this world of darkness. Sin and fear come more easily. In the Presence of God, that fear melts away. We find peace, a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Even as Christians, we are constantly pushing ahead, anxious for the future, and often impatient with God to show us where it is He is leading us. Little do we realize, this is to protect us. His grace is sufficient for us, but only for a day at a time. We get in trouble when we try to pile on all the worries of the future onto one day, when each 24 hours brings its own troubles. He wants us to enjoy Him moment by moment and day by day. His job is to lead, ours is to follow, and to spend time daily in His Presence. 

Do you take time away from the world to spend time with the Father? I struggle with being persistent, but the more you make the effort, the more you realize how absolutely precious this time is. I encourage you to take a little time out of your busy, busy days to spend with our God who dwells in timelessness. For He is, was, and always will be (Revelation 1:8).

Pray with Me.
Most Gracious Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for being ever present and for the promise to never leave us. Help us to believe that your grace is enough, enough to fill our deepest desires, melt our greatest fears, and discover peace in a world filled with chaos. Day by day, help us to grow in that grace. We love you.
In Jesus's Name,