Monday, September 1, 2014

Come to the Father, You who Thirst, and you'll Thirst No More.

The other night I did a devotional over John 4:1-13 which is known as the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman. I have heard this story a countless number of times, however, this time it spoke to me a little differently.

If you don't already know the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, I encourage to crack open your Bible and read it. It's a short passage, but a very powerful one. Here's a quick review/ overview on what these verses are talking about. The Samaritan woman is just going about her day as usual, and as usual, she goes to the well to draw water. She wasn't expecting to meet the Son of God on this very ordinary day. What you have to understand is that Jews and Samaritans did not socialize with each other let alone a Samaritan woman and Jewish man. So, when Jesus asks her in verse 7, if she would give him a drink, you could imagine how much that caught her off guard. What she didn't know, is while  Jesus was asking her for a drink, he was really going to offer her the living water. In Verse 13 Jesus says this: "Every one who drinks the water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." If you haven't already figured it out, the "living water" He is speaking about eternal life. 

One of the follow up questions asked me this: "Forget superficial, temporary things for just a moment. What do you really need from Jesus right now?" I had to think long and hard about this question because it, along with the passage,hit me hard. Now, if they had been separate, I'm not sure if it would have affected me in the same way. Just like the Samaritan woman in the story, Jesus caught me off guard. He asked a simplistic question. Although the question was seemingly simple, the answer to that question lied deep within my heart. Much like the Samaritan woman, who realized she needed the living water that would giver her eternal life.

 I know you are probably are on the edge of your seat, just wondering what my reply was. To keep you from any further agony, I will tell you. These are my exact words, and it is straight from my heart. What I said was this: " What I need from Jesus right now, is to believe with my whole heart, that his love, mercy and grace is MORE than enough for me. More than any longing of my heart; I need Him to be my greatest affection; my greatest love. Because He loves me more than anything. I need to invest my time, love, and heart in Jesus, before any other thing this world. I need to put my full trust in His plan for my life." I  realized that I should pursue Jesus, more than anything. He pursues and romances my heart day after day, after day. So why do I and should I, let life get in the way? 

His perfect love can heal your deepest hurt and take away all your shame. His love is always near, and will always satisfy.

What do YOU need from Jesus right now? Have you experienced the living water? Because once you taste that living water (eternal life) you will thirst no more. Or maybe, you're like myself. You have already accepted Jesus into your heart, but you haven't thought in  awhile, really hard about what you NEED from Jesus. Jesus WANTS us to need Him.  I encourage you to think about that. It truly opened my eyes.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this life. Thank you for another day. I pray that we would never forget how much we need you. I pray that you would be ever present in our lives, and that we will never stop hungering and thirsting for your love. Help us to pursue you before anything or anyone in this life. Because you are constantly pursuing our hearts, even when we are unaware. Thank you for the promise of eternal life, so that one day we will live with you, for all eternity.
In Your Son's Precious Name We Pray,

Here's a song by 10th Avenue North that fits this message perfectly, listen to it when you get the chance: 

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