Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Gift of Grace

 What does is mean to live a life filled with grace?

The dictionary defines grace to be this: "favor or kindness expressed to the undeserving."Another version states: "the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings." That's quite the definition.  In other words, we have the undeserved favor of God, who demonstrated His love for us by sending Jesus to save us, this is His gift. His gift of GRACE. 

Ephesians 2:4 says "But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead to transgressions(sin)--it is by grace you have been saved." Now, replace the word grace with definition above, or what grace means to you. This verse now reads a little something like this "But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead to sin-- it is by the undeserved favor of God, who demonstrated His love for us by sending Jesus to save us, this is His gift to us." 

Grace is such a powerful word. How do we exhibit this same grace in our every day lives? When someone has done us wrong, or has irritated us, we can show grace in our speech; we can choose kind words of forgiveness instead of those tainted with anger. When something doesn't go as planned instead of throwing blame directly at someone, we could give them a knowingly nod of understanding. Grace is giving someone a break when it's the last thing they deserve. DISPENSE grace. When we do this, we find we are at peace with that person or situation. View every circumstance through the lens of grace... think about how much our view would change. When we let the gift of grace that is in us overflow; that same forgiveness, understanding, and love, we experience will show in the way we treat others. We need not to just receive His gift of grace, but release that same gift.

My inspiration for this blog came from a chapter I read from Pricilla Shirer's book "The Resolution for Women." Here's an excerpt from her book that really hit home for me: "I mean, didn't grace utterly transform your life when Jesus gave it to you? If you were too young to know just how much of your life needed repair and repenting, hasn't His grace brought you to worshipful tears more times than you can count in the years since?  Grace overwhelms. Everywhere it appears. Just think what it might accomplish when it comes gushing through your smile, your hug, your kiss, your tender pat on the back, your wink of forgiveness. Even this place, even these people could be completely renovated in something you barely recognize a month from now. Like you were, when Jesus graced your life.

Have you accepted His wonderful gift of grace? Did you know that His grace and mercy is abounding and He will never cease in giving it to you? Well, now you do. I encourage you, as I myself, try to live a life of grace; where I will attempt give grace as much as I have received it.

Let Us Pray.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your everlasting love. Thank you for always forgiving our mistakes and standing with open arms. I pray that you would help us to give that same grace to others, so that they may see a glimpse of your love. Help us to live a life so filled with grace, that no matter the circumstance we have this peace and hope that will never fade away. Thank you for your gift of grace.
In Your Precious Name We Pray,

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