Sunday, September 28, 2014

Don't Look Back, You're not Going that Way.

The other day as I was driving back to school from lunch, there was this car in front of me that wasn't going as fast as I would've liked. Not to mention that I had left my house a little bit later than I should have. For a split second I looked into my rear-view mirror, only to see there was a another car behind me. In that instant, I merely hit the car in front of me. My guardian angels must have been watching over me because right then that car turned.

God used this to speak to me. He also gave me peace in what should have been a blood-pumping moment. He said to me: "Sydney, if you continue to look back to your past--just as you looked into your rear-view mirror-- you will miss what is right in front of you. There's no point in looking back, what's past is past. Greater things are yet to come. Trust me."

Wholly moly. Those words were right on the money. I have been struggling here lately to focus strictly on God and my future. I kept wanting to fix relationships and situations that had already past their time. Key word here: ME, ME, ME. Now, how in the world, am I going to try to change what God has already set in stone? We have to understand... I have to understand... that God puts people and circumstances in our lives for a reason, and removes them just the same. He is in control. God wants us to give Him the "steering wheel" of ours lives, if you will. He wants us to trust in Him with all our being, even when we don't quite understand why certain things have ended up the way they have. We must believe that it is all a part of His master plan.

Isaiah 43:18 says this: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past."

As difficult as it is, we are commanded to not dwell on what was. Christ wants us to dwell on what is to come. This does not mean we have to forget about the fond memories we have with friends that are no longer as close to us as they once were, or we have to disregard the lessons we have learned from hurtful circumstances. It simply means, that God will pull us through, and there is no reason to constantly think of all the things we could've done differently or all the "what ifs." Just because certain situations haven't turned out the way we wanted them to, doesn't mean they haven't turned out the way GOD wanted them to. Think about that.

Are you willing let God have full-control over your future?
Are you ready to let go of what is past, and live in the present in preparation for your future?
I know I am, and I hope and pray you will join me.

Let Us Pray.
Dear Heavenly Father, 
Thank you for this day, and this wonderful weekend. God I pray that you would help me to let go of what is past, so that I may move on to my future. Help me to focus on you even with all these distractions. Thank you so much for everything, even the hurt I have experienced because everything I have been through has ultimately made me grow stronger. We love you Lord.
In Your Son's Precious Name,

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