Thursday, July 24, 2014

Patience is a Virtue.

Patience. The Lord knows I could use some more of that stuff.

Most of the time, I am a pretty patient person. There comes a  time, in certain circumstances in my life, big or small, where my patience is worn thin. Paper thin. So thin, that if one more itty bitty thing were to happen, I might lose it. That is our human nature for you.

Let me ask you this question... does God ever get "fed up" with us? Does He ever lose His temper? Does His patience every wear thin? The answer is no. I mean sure, He gets frustrated with us, but never will He reach the point of giving up on you. I'm beyond thankful God is God and not a 17 year old girl. 

1 Timothy 1:16 says: "Christ has shown mercy on me as a sinner, even the worst of sinners. Jesus has an unlimited  amount of patience for us so that he may be an example for those who believe in him to have eternal life."  God has an UNLIMITED amount of patience for us. As in, there is no end. He will NEVER run out of patience for us. 

In 2 Peter 3:15 it states: "God is patient with us so that we may receive salvation." So, basically, God is patient with us for our own benefit. Think about all the stupid things we do over and over again, directly, or indirectly to God. And He is patient with us because He wants us to be saved. He doesn't want to say: "Whoo, I'm done with you." Philippians 1:6 says to:"Be confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ."

There are TONS of bible reference on patience and being patient. 1 Thessalonians Chapter 
5, Verse 14, says: "Warn those who are lazy, encourage those who are shy, help the weak, and be patient with EVERYONE." That means we are to be patient with people we aren't fond of, our loved ones, our teachers... etc. We are to be patient when patience is the thing we are running out of. 

Lastly, I want to share with you 2nd Peter 3:9. " The Lord is not slow to keep his promises, as people understand slowness, he is patient with you because he wants everyone to have a chance to repent." God works on His time, not our time. He will give us what we need, when we need it, and how we need it. The key point here is, our God is a patient God because He wants everyone to have a chance to get to know Him. If we know Christ as our Lord and Savior, shouldn't we try to do the same? Be patient with everyone so that maybe, just maybe, they would get a glimpse of Jesus. Easier said than done, I know, but give that a little extra  thought.

Struggling with patience today? I know I am. It may be patience with a person or a situation you have constantly prayed about. Continue to ask God for the ability to wait for what is you feel you need or to have patience with this person or group of people.

Let Us Pray.
Thank you so much for your endless patience. I am sorry that I feel as if I will run out sometimes, help me to not run out so quickly. I pray that you would help us be patient with everyone so that they would see you instead of us. Help us to persevere through life's circumstances and help us to endure the people who are hard to endure. We love you Lord.
In Jesus's Name,

(Keep in mind that some of these verses are not word for word. Feel free to look them up and make your own interpretation, so that they may develop a meaning for you as they did for me.)

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