Monday, April 4, 2016

We are Incomparable Works in Progress

This year has been a whirlwind.
5 weeks left of my freshman year of college.
Switching Majors.
New Opportunities.
Blossoming Friendships.
Discouragement and feelings of inadequacy are prevalent.
Uncertainty is always on the horizon.
Often I find myself wondering how in the world God has chosen me?

Have you ever felt like that? 
I mean, you know God has chosen you, loves you, and has a plan for you, but you still have trouble trusting in that. 
Believe me, I understand completely.

This morning at church ROCKED my socks off. Absolutely incredible.

First it started with Sunday school where we are starting a new video series over the book "gods at war." This book talks about what "gods" we have in our lives. The pastor in the video said "At the root of every sin is idolatry." I had never quite thought about that. We talk about sin, and we talk about how to sin minimally, but do we ever really discuss the root of the problem? 

One of the "gods" I think I struggle with is comparison. 
What I mean by that is several different things. 

1. I think I compare my sins, and even justify them with Christians I am in community with.
For instance: "Well, so and so is a good Christian, and they watch that show, or they participate in that activity, or are active on social media."
That is just not how it works. My convictions are my convictions for a reason. Maybe those people don't struggle with those things the way I do.

2. As a part of the music department, I think there is always, always, a struggle with comparison. Everyone struggles with that concept. "Well my voice can't do that" so I'm not good enough. Or whatever it may be for you.

3. Another thing within the comparison realm of things, is feeling inadequate to walk down the path set before me, or that I am ill-equipped to do what God has called me to do, as if I have "shoes to fill."

Here's the thing: 

This morning at church I felt God speak very clearly to me:
"How can you think you are not worthy, or that you will not be prepared for all I have for you? 
I will equip you.
How can you compare the creation of who you are to someone or something, when I have created and am creating that inside you?
TRUST ME, for the thousandth time.
I will use you in such incredible ways."

My goodness. What absolutely mind-boggling, and heart-pounding truth!! (I might have shed a tear or two or three or four....) I was absolutely overwhelmed and overtaken. It is incredible that God just takes us and mold us who we are to be. How crazy are we to not completely trust the plans He has for you, and the plans he has for me? 

 In the back of our minds we worry if we are doing the right thing, we worry what tomorrow will hold, or what 4 years down the road will bring.

A friend told me tonight: "God has instilled in you passions and talents unique to you. Don't worry about what you are going to major in or what you are going to do with your life. He has given you the power to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life. Do what you love, and the Lord is going to honor that and use you." 

2 Corinthians 3:18 says this: "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory which come from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

I am being transformed into His likeness. You are being transformed into His likeness. We are being transformed to be like Christ so that others may see that transformation written on the tablets of our hearts.

Therefore, since that transformation is taking place to shape us into Gods image, why should we worry about our own?
 Who we are, is who He treasures, even if we are uncertain as to where exactly our identity lies, or what we will do in and with our lives. 

Trust is key. Your journey is unique. You are incomparable. Let Him transform who you are to be.

Let Us Pray.

God, thank you for this wonderful weekend. Thank you for a beautiful warm spring day that revealed your beautiful truth and promises. Help us to always be sensitive to your Spirit, and self-aware of the things we idolize or struggle with. As we journey through the days, may we embrace the person you are creating us to be. You already know where we will end up, help us to trust you as we walk in the "where we are going." Thank you for desiring an intimate relationship with us, creating us all uniquely, calling us all differently, but creating us all in your image.

We Love you Lord.
