Saturday, November 15, 2014

Through Change, God Remains the Same

As I journey through my Senior year, I've begun to notice how things have changed, and are changing. Change is nice; change is good; but change can also be challenging.

I've always been pretty subject to certain change, and adapt fairly quickly, but that does not mean it isn't still difficult. I am not speaking of physically...more so spiritually,a change of heart or situation.

More times than not, these changes are not our choice. However, God makes these alterations for the betterment of us, and our relationship with Him. Think about this time last year... think of all the things that have happened in just a years time. It may be something hurtful, laughable, or a number of elements that have changed you from the inside out.

Personally, I look back on experience. I mean, this time last year, I was a Junior. I wasn't stressed over college scholarships or money. But I was stressed over passing Pre Calculus, ( I am not a fan of mathematics and keep in mind little changes are important too), and this year I only have to take College Algebra half a semester which I am almost complete with. I didn't know where I wanted to go to college and now God has shown me a fantastic school that is pursuing me and my interests. I also wanted a relationship; a guy to talk to, and it was painful. I really struggled with this, and although my prayer of having that relationship may seem as if it had not been answered, God gave me a change of heart, that allowed me to accept the fact that it is just not the time and answered my prayers in unexpected way . Now, does this mean I haven't had my my heart broken by circumstances since then? No. However, Christ has given me the comfort and strength to move on, and have faith that His promise will fulfilled someday soon. I also had trouble with not having tight knit friendships with like-minded people, and now I am blessed to have a huge network of Christlike friends all over the country. Hurts, Stresses, Desires, that I was drowning in, and couldn't see God working in at the time... I look back and see that He carried me.

2 Samuel 22:31-33 states: "As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect."

God's way, plan, and purpose for our lives is perfect. To our human minds, sometimes this is hard to believe wholeheartedly, but if you look at this very moment in time it proves to be true. I'd like to conclude with a quote from my bible study I read the other night:

"I have learned that life comes in seasons of dry times, sunshine, fun times, and down times. These seasons still come, but in each season, God molds me into who He is calling me to be."

When you look at your life a year ago, and your life today what transformations do you see?

Maybe you're undergoing some changes right now. Through these changes remember that Christ is your rock, the only thing that stays the same through the shifting and shaking of this life; He has you in the palm of His hand.

Pray With Me.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for never changing. Even when our walls seem to be crumbling down beneath the standards and expectations of the world we live in today. In the unexpected turns our lives take, you are our Rock and Fortress. Help us to be more aware of this. Thank you for everlasting love and grace that always abounds and surrounds us. We love you Lord, help us to spend more time with you, so that no matter what season of life we are in, and changes we are undergoing, we are still growing our relationship with you.
In Jesus' Name,