Friday, January 1, 2016

Your face, Lord, I will seek.

WHAT A YEAR. Holy cow. I've managed to graduate, go off to college, and do a little bit of what I like to call "trying to adult." The last time I blogged was the day I loaded up all my stuff in my little Honda Accord and left home. I have been so blessed by all of the exposure to music, my professors who are truly invested in me, I have the best co-workers and boss around, not to mention all of the wonderful friendships I have made in such a short amount of time, and recognizing how much "absence makes the heart grow fonder" of home. 
College is a BLAST. I have learned some valuable lessons this semester, and unfortunately some of them have been the hard way.

I have laughed my hardest. and balled my eyes out. I have felt extremely overwhelmed, and I have experience peace in the midst of the storm. My heart has been over the moon with joy, and has also ached with hurt.

Now, I know a New Year, always brings new resolutions. Not to say, that  I do not have a few of my own. I want to work out more (I know, what you're thinking. "You and every other person on this planet.") I'd like to get a little more sleep (which is quite laughable for a college student to resolve to, but it can't hurt to try.) Yadayadayada.

I briefly mentioned my experience with busyness this past semester. Relationships, work, school, cheer practice, voice practice, piano practice...etc. It was ALOT. Looking back now, yeah, it might have been easier to not have my plate as full, but I think the outcome of what I have discovered deep in my heart would have been different.

You see, in the clouds of all these "priorities" I prayed, I tried to pick up Jesus Calling either before I walked out the door in the morning, or before I fell asleep at night, and journal on occasion. God is always there right? We, I, take advantage of that. He is always there, so He is always going to forgive us for our faults. This is unshakably true, but we also must remember what a gift that is. Unconditional love and forgiveness is so very, very, precious.

My point of all this, is not to preach at you, and say "You need to make God your #1, priority." Which, He definitely should be, but I know as much as anybody, that 99% of the time, this is not the case. This must sadden our Father's heart greatly, He knows we struggle with this world, yet he craves for us to be close to him . Our hearts are constantly wrestling with the pressing deadlines and craziness life throws at us, but He offers peace, rest, and renewal if we would just make the time.

I just needed to share my heart with you all. I want to resolve today, tomorrow, the next day, this year, my LIFE, to being totally consumed by Christ's great love for us. When we pursue God, as he constantly and persistently chases our hearts, the plans we have will evolve into the plans HE has. He knows the DEEPEST, most passionate, raw, desires of our hearts. He will honor our dreams, when we honor Him. In all honesty, I am so tired of putting Him on the backburner, and being a "I'll do better tomorrow" kind of Christian. I want to be a "When I feel God convicting, I will act" kind of Christian. I am completely aware, that this proclamation is serious, and a difficult road to travel.  However, I long for such a transformation. I will mess up, the world will suck me back in, but I am only human. However this is only an obstacle, instead of an excuse.

Maybe you are like me. You desperately desire to find fulfillment and completeness in Christ. You want to find your identity in Him and nothing else. There are dreams you have of going after the things God has called you to do and maybe you have no idea what that will entail. Maybe you can not wait to find the person He created to love you for the very person you are or maybe you have already found that relationship and want your faith to be foundational in every situation

I am confident, whatever your situation may be, that if you let God take your heart in His hands, and are solely confident in who you are in HIM, everything, and I mean every little itsy bitsy, detail you ever wondered about will fall into place exactly how He intended.

As I took two minutes to read today's designated devotional. I was amazed at the words on the page, that seemed to be written for this precise moment in time. "Come to Me with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed. A close life with me is a life of continual newness. Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year. Instead seek My Face with an open mind, knowing that your journey with Me involves being transformed by the renewing of your mind..... Give yourself fully to this adventure of increasing attentiveness to My Presence. (Sarah Young, Jesus Calling)" How absolutely wonderful. Also, verse reference at the bottom of the page served as another sweet reminder from the Lord because it was my all time favorite verse, Jeremiah 29:11. 
He has a plan, we will prosper when we chase after the God who shapes our hearts, step by step and day by day, His plan for me and you, will make a way.

"My heart says of you, "Seek his face!"
Your face, Lord, I will seek."
Psalm 27:8

Let's Pray.
Father, thank you thank you thank you, for this year. Thank you for another day, and the endless forgiveness you offer. I want to spend more time with you. I want to be consumed by your powerful love, so that I may be transformed. Guide me, as I make these changes in my life, and help my intentions and actions be sincere to my initial goal. I want to resolve my life to you, over and over and over again.


1 comment:

  1. May God keep you in perfect peace, because your mind is stayed on Him and you trust in Him! (from Isaiah 26:3)
    Grandma T.
